An officially deranged product from the mines at Matt Kane’s Brain.
So you liked the First Encounter of Wolfenstein 3D. You got yourself a whole bunch of levels for it, and you even started making your own. Then you bought the Second Encounter. You were amazed at all the new stuff. The Second Encounter Pack from MKB will allow you to put all that great new stuff into a Wolfenstein level.
-WolfEdit 1.1 or 1.1c
-Wolfenstein 3D Second Encounter
-An imagination
It is very easy to use. Just drop it into the folder with your WolfEdit application. All the new enemies, new weapons, new music, the ghosts, and almost all the new walls will be selectable in the menus. The only unselectable wall is the outside one.
If you like this program, go ahead and E-mail me. I dare you. :)
If you got this, and you aren’t connected to the Internet or AOL, you can send me Snail Mail at:
Matthew Kane
17 Cargill Rd.
Cumberland, RI 02864-6143
If you are from a big company, and you want to put this on a CD, tell me about so I can buy it and prove it to all my friends.
If you review this in a magazine, or if it’s on the top ten of something, tell me so I can buy or download a copy and prove it to all my friends.
If you absolutely ADORED this level, and would like to marry it, please send a letter deploring the the new dress code to
Mount Saint Charles Academy
800 Logee St.
Woonsocket, RI 02895
Shirts: Students may wear white or solid colored dress or polo shirts which must be tucked in at all times. No flannel or flannel-look shirts, rugby shirts, or sweatshirts will be allowed. Shirts may be unbuttoned one button from the top.
Sweaters: Sweaters (cardigan, V-neck, crew neck, sleeveless) may be worn over a visibly collared, white, or solid colored, dress, or polo shirt. Blazers or sport coats may be worn over a visibly collared, white, or solid colored shirt.
Slacks: Students may wear Dockers-style slacks or dress-style cords in GRAY, NAVY, BLACK, OR KHAKI. No jeans or sweats or warm-up suits of any type will be permitted.
Skirts: Girls may wear full, pleated, or A-line skirt in GRAY, NAVY, BLACK, or KHAKI. Skirts must be knee length or longer! If stockings are worn, only full, solid tights/nylons will be permitted.
Footwear:Students may wear casual/dress shoes (i.e., oxfords, topsiders, loafers) NO SNEAKERS, BOOTS, or SANDALS will be permitted.
Please also mention that they are too cheap to buy uniforms. Oh yeah, and DON’T USE MY NAME. Thanks a million.